“Going to school is like going on an exciting adventure every day, where I feel encouraged, inspired, and supported to reach for the stars and discover new things about myself and the world around me.”
Cory, Year 6 pupil
Helena Smith, Director and Chair of Governors, St Thomas' CofE Academy
It is an immense privilege to be a director and governor at Manor MAT. Each Governor/Director brings a unique set of skills to the role and our views and opinions are welcomed and valued. We all share a common vision for our schools and ensure that children are at the heart of everything that we do. During meetings we support our amazing school leaders, whilst also offering constructive challenge. The best part of the role has to be visiting school to talk to staff and children.
Jan Rudge, Director & Chair of Governors
I am proud to be a part of Manor MAT as a Director and Chair of Governors at Hill Avenue Academy.
In a former life I was a primary headteacher in Dudley; moving to lead an Educational Action Zone in Sandwell, and then I worked for the National College of School Leadership representing West Midland’s schools. All of my professional roles, from class teacher onward have been a privilege, serving the needs of children, staff and leaders.
As I edge towards retirement, I continue to be a part time school leadership coach and will be supporting the MAT schools in the year ahead to bring consistency to this area of work, supporting the mental health and well-being of our staff members, enabling them to bring their best self to school to serve our children to the best of all our abilities.
I love learning and am proud that in different ways I continue to contribute to the lives of my 3 grandchildren, keeping me grounded in the reality of pre-school, primary and now secondary education.
Adam Pritchard, Director & Governor for Manor MAT
I am passionate about education and making a difference in the lives of children. Being a proactive Governor is a very rewarding experience. I use my skills and experience in business to help shape the future of our schools, and work with other dedicated individuals who share the same vision. I am also a Director of the Manor MAT. This is a significant role, with my being committed to education on a larger scale.