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Executive Leadership Team

This is our MAT Executive Leadership Team.

They all play a vital role in the day to day running of the trust, as well as the long term vision.

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Manor MAT Leadership Structure

Neil Beards
Head of ICT and DPO

Neil Beards

Brief Responsibilities:

Strategic and operational lead for the Digital Services team which encompasses a range of roles to support the MAT and the family of schools. Areas include Technical Services, Web Media & Communications, Data management and Data Protection which are key to the success of enabling our schools to achieve the very best. Ensuring all schools and Trust have reliable equipment, systems, quality data, world class public media presence and promotion so this enables our schools and leaders to perform highly and make key well informed decisions.


Work Experience:

Working in Education for over 25 years, with the last 20 years in strategic technical / management capacity. Previously led a large technical team for over 15 years for City of Wolverhampton council offering range of ICT SLA services to schools in and outside the City reaching over 90 schools.

Moved to Manor MAT in 2018 as the trust was expanding to help establish a wider MAT team to offer our MAT schools and develop the range of services we provide. Focussing on the Digital Services and establishing real quality infrastructure and people that can help our schools be the best they can be!


Hobbies / Interests:

Family is everything to me, I try and spend most spare time with my wife and children and other family members. Whether eating out, going new places, travelling around the country and visiting places we enjoy doing it together and making memories. I follow sport in general and for my sins, a lifelong Wolves supporter and you’ll see me down the Molineux on match days. I find some tranquillity with the gardening, and I enjoy my technology and occasional gamer if my son wants to beat me at Fifa!


Links to schools or local communities:

Living in the same area all my life I’m pretty much a home-grown boy and really value where I come from and where I was brought up. St Thomas’ CofE Primary in Wednesfield was my old school I attended (and my sisters) as a child and my own children attend the school, my wife is the Early Years lead at the school and we were married at St Thomas’ Church as well our children christened there too.

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