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Our Trust


Founded in February 2016 Manor Multi Academy Trust originated from the highly successful school improvement and partnership work led by Manor Primary School in Wolverhampton, a National Teaching School hub with a proven track record of achieving the highest of standards and a reputation for supporting the development of many schools locally improve. 

We are currently a MAT of 9 Primary Schools with 3300 children in our family. We are passionate about transforming pupils’ life chances and have successfully and rapidly improved several special measures schools, with our first two that came into the trust being rated as outstanding in all Ofsted areas in their first inspection cycle. Manor MAT has ensured that some of the lowest performing schools in the country, many with significantly above national proportions of pupils eligible for free school meals, have been sustainably transformed in a short space of time. Our success story is down to leaders instilling the highest of behaviour expectations, providing exceptional pastoral support with wellbeing at the centre ; utilising the most evidence-informed approach to curriculum.

Our Trust’s aspiration is that every child who attends a school within our MAT attends a “Great School.” That all pupils are nurtured, inspired and receive a world class education. Our goal is to ensure that every member of staff receives the highest quality professional development and tailored support so they can be the best they can be.


We are passionate about system-led change – our Trust is built upon the principle of schools supporting schools. We are very open in our approach and readily share our resources and thinking, both within the family and with our neighbouring schools.


Our mission is to inspire belief in everyone. Creating individual and collective futures, with an unswerving commitment to our communities and beyond. We pledge to champion each other, together.


Our vision is to bring inspiration and innovation, with a courageous enthusiasm for excellence, in order to create amazing futures, together.


Our Trust is committed to leading by example and lives by its unswerving commitment to our core values of integrity, ambition, collaboration and inclusion.


Within our Trust we are privileged to have inspirational people at the heart of our central team who use their incredible skill set to support and develop our schools, create positive energy and generate enthusiasm. They help to develop individuality and creative thinking. In turn, our schools continue to improve and as a result our children are inspired to believe that no mountain is too high to conquer and that nothing is impossible to achieve.


Our goal is to ensure that everyone is highly motivated and engaged by their experience with us, be it a pupil, staff member, parent or a community volunteer, and to enrich their lives through their association with Manor Multi Academy Trust.


Our academies are each at the centre of their own local communities. It is very important that each school has the opportunity and the freedom to respond to the needs of parents and children and create their own local solutions. As a family of academies, we celebrate diversity and individuality.  We understand that no school or community is the same; however we have the same high expectations of everyone in the trust and believe that, with the support of the Manor family, every academy will provide a great learning experience for the children and they will make great progress.


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