Meeting the public sector equality duty (PSED) [updated May 2024]
The Manor MAT Trust Board will:
Ensure that the Trust complies with the appropriate equality legislation and regulations.
Meet its obligations under the PSED to:
Publish equality objectives at least every four years commencing on the date of the last publication.
Update and publish information every year to demonstrate Trust compliance with the PSED.
Ensure that the Trust’s policies and procedures are developed and implemented with appropriate equality impact assessments informing future plans.
Ensure that each school’s Admissions Policies do not discriminate in any way.
Ensure equal opportunities in its staff recruitment and promotion practices, professional development programmes and in membership of the Trust Board and school PCAFs.
Proactively recruit high-quality applicants from under-represented groups.
Provide information in appropriate and accessible formats.
Ensure that the necessary disciplinary measures are in place to enforce expectations.
The Chief Executives will:
Implement and champion the PSED and Trust procedures.
Ensure that all staff members receive the appropriate equality and diversity training as part of their induction and CPD.
Ensure that all parents, visitors and contractors are aware of, and comply with, the Trust expectations.
Actively challenge and take appropriate action in any case of discriminatory practice.
Address any reported incidents of harassment or bullying in line with DfE guidance.
Employees will:
Be mindful of any incidents of harassment or bullying in the Trust.
Track and monitor any instances of discrimination and deal with these in a consistent manner, making a report to the headteacher as necessary and following up with pupils as required.
Identify and challenge bias and stereotyping within the curriculum and the Trust’s culture.
Promote equality and good relations, and not harass or discriminate in any way.
Monitor pupils’ progress and needs to ensure the appropriate support is in place.
Keep up-to-date with equality legislation and its application by attending the appropriate training.
Champion diversity and inclusion.
Pupils will:
Not discriminate or harass any other pupil or staff member.
Actively encourage equality and diversity in the Trust by contributing their cultural experiences and values.
Report any incidences of bullying or harassment, whether to themselves or to others, to a member of staff.
Abide by all the Trust’s equality and diversity policies, procedures and codes.